Ultimate 2 Wireless Controller FAQ
  • Instructions for calibrating the joysticks/triggers:
    • Please follow the steps below:
    • 1. Controller in the powered-on state, press and hold the [LB + RB + Minus + Plus] buttons for 8 seconds to enter the calibration mode, the Status LED will start to blink.
    • 2. Push the joysticks to the edge and rotate them slowly 2–3 times. Slowly press the triggers to the bottom 2–3 times.
    • 3. Press the same [LB + RB + Minus + Plus] buttons combination again to complete the calibration.

  • How to enable the zero-dead zone mode on the joysticks?
    • In power-on state, press and hold the Minus (-) and Plus (+) buttons for 5 seconds to toggle the zero-dead zone mode on/off.

  • Are the RGB lighting effects adjustable?

  • Is it possible for multiple controllers to pair and connect with one adapter?
    • No, each adapter can only support one controller connection at a time.

  • Does it support the mobile version of the software?
    • No, it only supports the Windows/macOS version of Ultimate Software V2.

  • What joysticks are equipped on the Ultimate 2 Wireless Controller?
    • TMR Joysticks.

  • Is the Motion Control available on both Windows and Android?
    • Yes, it can be configured as the left joystick / right joystick through the Ultimate Software V2.
