Ultimate 3-mode Controller for Xbox FAQ
  • Can I use the controller wirelessly on the Xbox console?
    • No, the controller can only connect to the Xbox console via a wired connection.

  • Is 2.4G connection the only way to connect the controller on Windows?
    • The controller can be connected via both wired and 2.4G connection on Windows 10 or above.

  • Is Android the only platform that supports the Bluetooth connection of the controller?
    • Yes,it is.

  • Is the controller supported by the Ultimate Software for iOS / Android?
    • Yes,it is.

  • Does the controller support the turbo or macro function?
    • No, it does not.

  • Is it possible for multiple controllers to pair and connect with one adapter?
    • No, it is not.

  • Does the controller support firmware updates on the Xbox console?
    • Yes, please access the [Ultimate Software X] for any further firmware updates of the controller.

  • Why does the SHARE button not working on Windows 10 devices?
